On Magickal Workings - What Is Really Important

In studying magick, the first thing you will learn - if you are wise - is that you have not learned it all. There are as many different types of magick - and then many various levels and functions within each type. Some are traditionally very regimented with specific rituals in a specific order. Others are nothing more than thinking about something and having it so be - which is the goal of the journey.


The real key to understanding magick - and ritual in general - is that it is "of the mind", or to focus the mind and will. Hence the term "so mote it be", or "so must (or may) it be". The magickal working is to allow you to focus your mind and will on the desired result - and to access the universal forces which can cause that reality - envisioned in your will - to become.


No matter what the type of magickal work you elect to study, understanding that it is intended to help you focus your mind and will is essential. Much is in visualization, and much is in in motivation. The perfunctory workings of the spell are only to help with this essential function.


There are many different types of magickal workings - everything from basic candle magic and simple spells, to the most powerful and profound magick found in the Act of Godhood or the Great Rite.


Some people are known to spend their entire lifetime focusing upon the mastery of one type of magick or another. In many ways, this can be seen as a waste. Magick is a practice to focus your mind and will. Into that folds all else. If you are not having success in one type of magick, you may find better luck focusing your mind and will with another type. You must find what works for you. Once you find what works for you, and you have success employing those universal forces that your mind and will can summon and control, then start to open yourself to other types. The focus of your mind and will is a gradual process that will take time to perfect.


Some magickal traditions have very stringent rituals and stipulate that magick must be done in a certain way. It is true that with some rituals this is very helpful, but it is also good to be open to inspiration. The spirit of the God and the Goddess - even the spirit of Lucifer and the spirit of Lilith - can help to guide you in your workings, if you let them. They want you to succeed. There are countless numbers with them that are counting on you to succeed. They will

willingly help you - if you are open to them.


This does not in any way imply demonic possession. They do NOT desire to possess you. But the can and will speak to you, and through you to others.


You also need to be willing to at least learn - in principle - about "both sides" of magickal workings. Just as the modern Wiccan tradition embraces the "white magick", so too are there things darker. There is nothing wrong with looking inward, as almost all magick has a selfish side. It is imperative to the complete practitioner to be willing to look at and consider ALL aspects of magickal workings. Without doing so, you can never reach your full potential. That is a waste. You must be able to look past the rede, and consider the totality of all of Magick - or all of your mind and will.


As you do so, you will find that you are accessing the same powers that god uses. Only your destiny is to become greater than him, by not becoming a slave master, but by working to free all from his influence.


Among the many types of magickal workings, you will find the following...

Astrology-based - often very ceremonial - used at certain times of the year or even in specific places
Physical Item Magick (Amulets, Pendants, Wands and staves, etc)

Written Magick
Spells (spoken, thought, and written)
Crystal Magick
Herbal Magick (not referring to illicit drugs)
Natural Magick - of or pertaining to the forces in nature
Representational Magick - using an item in proxy for or to represent something else
Candle Magick
Tarot Magick
Tantric and Sexual Magick


There are further many subtypes within each of these, and each can also be strongly intertwined.


We will shortly have more information about each of these available on the site, along with notes about what we have found works.


As long as you remember that the intent is to focus your mind and will upon the desired outcome and access the universal forces to make the will create reality,then you have a head start on success in whatever form of magickal working you endeavor to practice.


Magus Luciferian

High Priest and Magus

The Liberated Of Lucifer
